A Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Saturday, March 28, 2015

"....... he captured attention because he has the ability to speak as if he was personally talking to you..."

It has been a few days since the Founding Father of the Republic of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, passed away. The whole of Singapore has been seen mourning in all sort of ways, in particular, visiting the Parliment building to pay Mr Lee a last visit.  I am not very demonstrative person by nature, but reading about news and posts and tributes contributed by friends online, I do feel a sense of lost and sadness inside me. However, the best way I think to pay tribute to someone who has passed away, is to remember the good of the person and to think about how it could have an impact on you and would affect you in a positive way.

On a personal level, I could feel deeply the impact of Mr Lee's leadership quality demonstrated largely by the way he communicated with people. When Mr Lee gave his speech, he captured attention because he has the ability to speak as if he was personally talking to you. Mr Lee has this ability and charisma to appeal to the general public on a personal level when he was speaking. I always remember that when I am giving my lecture to large group of students in front of me, that it is a skill to learn to speak and deliver speech with a personal touch that appeals significantly to large audience, on a personal level to each and everyone attending my lecture. On a different level, the fact that Mr Lee pushed Singapore towards international competition, with an aim to be made known globally for trades and others (largely for survival) and then by having English Language as the first language benefited so many that were borne in my generation. I was borne only 5 years after Singapore gained Independence. Having this language skills and abilities open doors for my subsequent career in my later life and more so when I then decided to seek advancement aboard.

It is no surprise why foreign countries such as New Zealand are having their flags lowered half-mast on 29th March 2015, to mark the funeral of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Indeed, in the eyes of the Western world, it is a "miracle" that Mr Lee's formula and model survives and bring prosperity to a small nation. Who can blame the West for thinking so, it was then been based on their formula anyway. Therefore, more so, their value and belief should work to bring miracle (as defined by the West) for economic survival. The fact that even Bill Clinton (with his U.S. Delegation) had planned to come to Lee Kuan Yew Funeral says something, that some Western leaders are convinced and bought into Mr Lee's idea of the model to grow an economy into prosperity .

Mr Lee's style however is not without criticism. One of the most commonly mentioned issue is the freedom of speech that was seen absence or not as well practiced in the media. This is interesting, because to quite an extent, this has affected the way people share and express their views on the media platform. Having said that, freedom of speech, however, is also not without its problem. The recent shooting of Charlie Hebdo arising from some humorous posts published, which some saw as "offensive" and hence provoking anger, had given the West something to (re)think about the serious implication of "free speech". It makes one wonder is there anything "free" here or are there unknown underlying prices that are to be paid. However, the recent opening of social medium outlets such as facebook and others had given Singaporeans a good platform to practice "free speech". However, sometimes this turns out to be an outlet for people to voice their angers as well, which is very unhealthy. In a country where free speech is not quite practice in the mainstream media (yet!), I suddenly recalled listening and hearing to Mr Lee's speech, sometimes it makes me think, what is important when you express your view, perhaps what is important when you speak, speak truthfully (rather than "freely") because your utimately aim is to convince others, and even to the extent of winning others to believing your vision into building a nation. He may be regarded as someone who is good in marketing, but marketing a vision to build a nation? You cannot NOT give that a second thought about what's additional skill and talent that involve! That is the spirit of Mr Lee, something that I will remember in me for a very long time, however the future may be. To me, it is already a blessing to be borne during his time, simply for what he had done for my generation.

Rest in Peace, Mr Lee!