1) "Embracing the last few moments of the physical pains, life still feels like heavens. And quietly, I left, as the right moment arrives and I move on....."
2) "feeling life suddenly "loosing its ground" and "grasp of gravity" can cause sleeping problem, but yes, that's a good warning sign"
3) " '和一些人的破碎情感,随着碎片的沉淀,一切回到起点。但我还不
4) "通过游泳,培养耐性,让自己能够持续性地“活在当下”,享受每一
5) "If you frightened of dying, and then you hold it on, you see devils tearing your life away, but if you made your peace, then devils are really angels freeing you from the earth." ----- from Tim Robbin's "Jacob's Ladder"
6) "令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情" - from omy
7) "想想,说人生无悔都是赌气的话。人生若无悔,那该多无趣呵!"
8) "If we are interconnected with everything else, then our actions matter for more than just ourselves." --- From Ernest Hemingway
9) "人,因为被年龄困惑,才受困于时间。"
10) "In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip” — Daniel L. Reardon
11) "Life is a zero sum game, we win some and we lose some, there is no reason not to feel thankful"
12) "人,有时需要经历一整个过程,才能更了解自己,然后再继续上路"
13) "如果人生是由多个空间/时间组合而成,那在我们活着的每个空间/
14) "当全神贯注,内心也就平静了。为平静而平静,其实很难平静。"
15) "Those who think their life story can be made into a movie, are perhaps taking a bit too serious about themselves。 别把自己看得太重!"
16) "Why wear a tie if the only reason is for you to blow your nose on" ---- From my wicked colleague
17) "Experience is not what happened to a man, it is what a man does with what happened to him" ------ from "A Single Man"
18) "有时是因为身不由己,才会选择放弃。但选择也是一门学问,真正会
19) "A glass of water, no matter how light, is not the weight, but how long you hold on to it that matters"
20) "Freedom" is another word for 'nothing left to lose" - from "If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him!" (1972)
21) "好人就是好报" -- From 【禅心释梦】人在做,天在看。_北京文艺论坛_西祠胡同
22) "If you do it right, you will love it where you are". -- from the song "93 million miles"
23) "I have so many ideas up my sleeve, I can't wear a t-shirt!"
24) "If you're patient, you follow your heart, and you choose to do what you know is right instead of what is easy or popular... life rewards you with what you want"
25) "life is like a toilet roll, the nearer it gets towards the end, the faster it goes" ---- from a radio DJ
26) "The next time you have a problem, play with it. If you don’t have a problem, take time to play anyway. You may find some new ideas." ----- from "A Whack on the Side of the Head"
27) " 跌倒了,爬起来才哭" ----- From omy。