Life's simple pleasures

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Don't feel "guilty" engaging in life's simplest pleasure.. or does that matter at all?" :D

Take a small step back and ask yourselves what's bring a smile on your face. This interesting short article lists out the "101 small little things that add on to life's simplest pleasures" I picked a few of them that apply to me more.

A genuine compliment (giving or receiving)
- I told SP today that she is so sweet and I will bring her sweet when I am back from my holiday

Really great advice
- what is better than this, especially more so when it is short and sharp advice, and also when getting them indirectly, like my many discussions about research with WF

- I love it when i float, breath, swim and coordinate my body movement consistently throughout my 500 metre swims.

Afternoon nap
- This is great and I often do that, :D

- puppies grow on me, but tiger cubs do too, like this one, :D

The smell of onions and garlic cooking
- Don't get me wrong, I use garlic powder in mixing my food, together with chilli, herbs and some olive oil after my veggie are steamed, that way is healthier. I love the smell of the mixture of all these additions of herbs and powders when steaming my vegetables.

A spoonful of peanut butter straight from the jar
- I love peanut butter, especially those with the nuts, yum yum, on toast, tastes even better with sweet potatoes soups.

What are your little simple pleasures that bring a smile on your face?