Shutter Island

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"In Shutter Island, you "forgive", but not "forget".."

Finally, I watched "Shutter Island". Martin Scorsese is one of my favourite directors. The last film I watched by him was "Gangs of New York", which was disappointing. He actually only directed 4 films since 2000, including "Shutter Island". These 4 films starred Leonardo DiCaprio, who gave the roles in all his films the best performance.

A friend of mine told me that her boyfriend finds "Shutter Island" boring in the first 30 minutes and perhaps too slow. The critics reviews were mixed and mostly considered it as average. It is about an up-and-coming U.S. marshal Teddy Daniels assigned to investigate the disappearance of a patient from Boston's Shutter Island Ashecliffe Hospital and the mysterious events following his investigation.

I like thriller and even more so if the plot is unpredictable and "Shutter Island" is satisfying in that sort of way. I especially like Ben Kingsley in the film, who portrayed the mental hospital's chief physician. His acting is effortless, easily bring across ideas to audience about the characters and very convincing. The best lines of the film as follows:

Leonardo said, "I think it's time we leave Shutter Island"
Ben Kingsley said, "who are we?"
Leonardo said, "me and my partner Chuck"
Ben Kingsley said, "No you came here alone"
(err. Spooky!)

Maybe the film's title already said something, "Shutter", as in "shut", so a thought that comes to the mind after watching the film is that, bad memories and trauma cannot be lost or totally shut away, it can only be placed in a safe place in our head and be there as long as possible, untouched, just like some say, you can't forget, but you can forgive. What has that got to do with the film, perhaps you are guessing now, but why not go watched the film, survived into the second half of the film, you will begin to see the darker side of the story and will enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kai Hong,

it's been long time since our last meeting. Glad that you are doing well from what I deduced from your writings. I enjoy some parts of your writings but not all of it, not sure what is your motive for blogging but keep it up.

Stay happy!!
Marcus from sg (hope you still remember me)

Kaihong said...

hi Marcus, yes I remember you, of course! pleasant surprise to see you read my blogs. My motive can be found on the following post

Thanks also for your encouragements, hope all is well, take care, :D