The rest of my day, after my breakfast, was simply spending on my laptop, as usual. What is different this time, however, is my slightly tiredness I felt to want to go a little slower on my task and I also felt a little restless. I even end up not going for my swim which was scheduled for this afternoon. Is this the climate's change effect on me, I wonder.
I read an article recently addressing similar issues, highlighting the importance of preserving energy when the weather gets colder in winter, for purpose of keeping warmth in the cold, however, I cannot remember having problem "preserving my energy", as mentioned in the article.
However, as the hours of the day passed, I seemed to get better, following favourable weather conditions with some good, but low sunshine. I got myself out and about, did some shopping, feel a bit "energetic" in the open. I do get out at least once a day daily (not when you are at work, since that is already out of the flat compound), even just a walk is fine. There is always a fear of cabin fever if one stays in the enclosure too long, and even more so when the weather is cold.
As I now reflect, I think it could be the morning task that I had planned didn't go on well and taken up a bit of time that add on to my "lack of energy" and "restlessness", and with the weather condition, it makes the situation worse. Let's hope the weather get better tomorrow, sometimes hard to say, as it has a mind of its own and can be unpredictable. Well, just keep the focus and things will be fine, never mind the weather! :D
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