Today I was preparing my lecture material and came across a news article about the losses made by Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) recently of about £3.6 billions. RBS is one of the UK banks to be nationalised following the credit crisis. Now it is 84% owned by the taxpayers, which make me part of the owners of the bank, since I pay tax. I thought of using RBS as an example to explain the application of present value concept in the valuation of stock prices, and I found that I could also crack a joke about "teaching Gordon Brown a lesson", that the theory of capital structure has to be re-written now that it includes the taxpayers, do we even care about the returns at all? In any case, I am not going to discuss the economic situation on this blog. It is just the use of the example that make me smile as I thought this would be quite funny.
All else, I think I am slowly moving towards getting material more organised this week about the lecture. LM so kindly engaged a "spy" and give me feedback about the students who attended my lecture, which I think have been very helpful, at least from him, I can see that students still enjoy my lecture, which I am quite reassured, so something must have been done right. So, next Tuesday the lecture will be filled with quite a number of examples to work out and explain the time value concept, annuity and the perpetuality evaluation. I quite enjoy it as I prepared them today and hope it brings out well in the lecture next week then.
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