Susan Boyle, who even Lady GaGa said she loved her, reminded me of someone who had just won a million pound lottery and still in a state of shock, though obviously enjoying it at the same time. It's very common for a million pound lottery winner to simply "lose it" because managing a million pounds is as hard as managing a £1000 lottery win, it's about financial planning and managing that state of shock.
Susan Boyle is an inspiration ALL because she made that first step to the audition (let's face it, Britain got talent, as a reality TV, is not really about "talent", isn't it? you not necessarily have to impress judges with your "talent", "talent" is subjective and has been re-defined by the reality TV show), and give her all, and made it, still is about timing and luck, in my opinion, but also about her courage, confidence and dare to be herself, all important quality to show other not-so-lucky wannabes, but who are working hard to hit the stardom.
Susan Boyle is perhaps the only person who know her own strength and weakness, and how far this can go, but there is a certain calmness in her, as I can see, therefore, though occasionally she explosively "going too far to be herself", her calmness is going to help her stand on her feet tightly and be grounded.
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