Accepting and Understanding

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"...... but which one comes first?"

We discussed about Karma in the Raja Meditation class yesterday. Karma is not a new topic to me. I had learned that during my Secondary School time. Last night class however bring me some new insights which I will share on this blog.

Marion, our instructor for last night asked, which one come first? Accepting or understanding? She said, there are things in life where there can be no answer at all because things do happened, I was the one who answered her first. I said, we understand and then we accept. All I had in mind was being empathetic, once you put yourselves in other people shoes, and see what they see, you understand and then you begin to accept. However, what Marion explained later was the reversed to what I said to her. She said, when bad things happened, what we tried to do was to try and understand by questioning the "why". This cause anger, stress and frustrations. We could have channeled our thinking to more productive thought. Indeed, as she so rightly mentioned subsequently was doing good deeds, sowing the seeds of good, and this will come back to us in good vides, just like the ripples one sees when throwing a stone into the water.

When the cause and effect are not complete all at one go, like when a drunken man drove his car and had a car accident, it is easy to point out the cause and the effect, hence the karma. There bound to be things that we could not trace back the "source" of it or the "cause" of it, where there are far too many in our life. For that, the only cure is to "accept" it and keep doing good deeds as this will eventually come back in good faith. Practicing meditation, cultivating a peaceful mind and soul help one accept things more readily, and with that bring good thought which could initiate good deeds and hence bring good karma. This makes perfect sense to me. :D