
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

" it is really thankful to have a friend visiting...."

"Hey you put on weight since the last time I saw you!" I told Ivan as soon as he got out of his car and walked towards my flat. I knew Ivan when I was a lecturer at Aberdeen. He was then a PhD student, working on a topic, that I once claimed to be quite "girlie"! I think it is a topic about "management and culture in an off-shore based oil refinery firm based in the Middle East". He didn't stay behind to attend the graduation because his PhD studies experiences was too painful. It didn't give him good memories and he didn't see it meaningful to attend the graduation. He quickly moved down to London after he finished the PhD as he found a job in a construction firm (I think), as a safety officer. Ivan's parents are from Afghanistan and Cyprus. No one can be more exotic than that, and indeed with his dark skins and hairs and his high cheek bone, sometimes he looks like an ancient Greek God. Ivan is very funny, but he is also a good friend. He can be very honest with you and can be constructive as well, with good intention and not mean harm.

Ivan visited Leicester on some business meeting, and he must hit the road around 5.30 pm, before the traffic flow flooded the road, so we only took a walk round town and have a chat along the way, not very long, but we updated a bit of each other life and share our thoughts. Ivan and I earn about the same amount of income, reasonably fine, enough to pay the bill, but as Ivan so rightly said, he is in London, but I am not, so cost of living differs and has an impact. Also, Ivan told me about the nature of his job, that he needed to run about the site, inspecting work project, so I got a feeling about how he works like. I honestly told him, I think my situation is better, at least my time is flexible and  you don't feel people are watching you, as long as you do your job (i.e., mainly about research).

Ivan asked about my social life, etc, whether I went pub, clubbing, which I recalled I have been out with Ivan  once or twice having a good times while at Aberdeen. I told Ivan Loughborough is a "ghost" town, with very little to do,so he should know what to expect and we burst out laughing as we walked back towards my flat. And then he said, "I understand you are doing mediation, but your flat is your home and your body and soul, get a few pieces of furniture, small portable one, it will feel different, though I think the flat has a good layout!". How nice of him to point that out. I really, really think Ivan put himself in my shoe when he said that. I appreciate it, though it is up to me to decide what I want to do with my flat.

As I bid him farewell, I asked him to send my regards to his wife. Knowing me and my lazy style, I really don't know when I will visit London. But, for me, it is really thankful to have a friend visiting. It adds a little something to my daily routine. It felt alive living in this town, which I am slowly learning to explore and expand my scope of activities outside my work life.