Get the engine started

Monday, May 02, 2011

"Yes, it works fine even with some mishaps...."

It's the bank holiday today and I already tried to get back to my normal work routine. So, it was waking up in the morning, going for a swim, then back doing dinner and then breakfast, and head off to office. I did what I planned out. I had a thought about tomorrow lecture and finding ways to improvise it and making it better (for the students) and started making copies and stapled them with the main lecture handouts. The day went on quickly. I even sort out the overseas voting matter with regards to the Singapore election, which appear to be taken up quite a bit of time. I then contacted JL in the afternoon about our research paper on bootstrapping. It was always nice and feel inspired chatting with him. He often appeared so energized and like a breath of fresh air. I also replied a couple of emails to students fixed some appointment later in the week.

The rest of the day in the office felt a little exhausted and I just didn't feel I can carry on with anything. However, I went through the stuff listed yesterday and think I should approach MW a bit tactfully. I want to be understanding towards him, but also not want to appear to be too pushy. I then decided that maybe I should re-read the revised paper I did with him and seriously think whether it is ready for submission and then sent hm an email to let him know. Perhaps that will be better.

I think I am doing quite well considering some mishaps happening recently. This time it is not just my fridge/freezer not working, but my shower is also having a problem. Put it in short, it is the temperature mixer that has a malfunction. But then, I can use the bath tap to run a mini-bath cum shower, since the boiler is working. I didn't let these matters affect me too much as I believe I had mastered a bit of the "focus" technique, which is why I can keep my attention at work in the day, which of course, more can always be done. I had just learned yesterday from Richard Carlson's "You can be happy no matter what" that "the less stress one experienced or displayed, the more receptive others are to our needs." This is important as I am going to report the incident to Nadine tomorrow. This should help since I had learned to take all these lightly or with a sense of humor.

At night, I had my dinner, played a bit of "bubbles" (which I also broke a record, so well done ME!) and had a couple of phone calls with friends, a bit of catching up and I already felt so contented, never mind the shower and the fridge/freezer problems. We should all looking forward to another better day and always trying to go on from where we stopped the previous day and never repeat things or procrastinate too often. As for some unrelated and existing problems, we should get them sorted, but they can also take care of itself. We can think of them, but not too much to affect us and get stressed about it.