Life's a journey

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

 "But this is not a good one,...."
Taking the public transport in the UK can be quite an experience. Today I will be travelling to Birmingham for the "British Accounting and Finance" conference for 2 days. The journey is about 1 hour 10 minutes which include 15 minutes connection at Derby. I left my flat around 9 am to catch the 9.45 am train. Upon reaching the train station, I quickly pass the entry gate, but was told my train will be delayed because someone was hit by the train somewhere on the way to Loughborough. We cannot complain this as it is an accident, so I took a copy of metro and pluck my earphone and stand aside to read the paper and listen to the music from my ipod.

After a while, I began to see people rushing passed me all going in one direction to the other side of the platform, and then I realised, after delaying for about 15 minutes now, an alternative route to Birmingham, via Leicester is now arranged, so I quickly follow the crowd, dragging my luggage behind me. I got myself up the train, obviously a relatively crowded one and I can only got a seat near to the door, and I sat down. Then a man with his bike board the train and stood near to me. After the train start, the conductor comes around to check our ticket. That man with the bike asked him, "so can I get the train connecting in Leicester to London, or do I have to ride the bike straight to London". That was quite funny the way he said it, a bit of a helplessness in his tone and the conductor said to him, "it should be fine, but there might be delay, just check the departure screen".

It took me longer than usual to reach Leicester, as it stops a few stations, which I believe is to pick up passengers affected by the accident. When I reached the Leicester station, I look up the screen for departure to Birmingham, which it says 10.49 am, possible delay at 11.07 am. I looked at my watch, it was 10.30 am. This means I have to wait for another 50 minutes to get connected! I went to the waiting room, sat there and took out a book to read, and it was freezing cold! You began to hear people not happy and complaining among themselves and finally when it is about 11.07 am, I went out to the platform, only to see that it will be expected at 11.12 am!! I cannot believe this and finally, the train arrives! In the end, I was one hour late for my journey. Ah well, Life's a journey, but this is not a good one, be as less as possible, please! Fingers crossed!