Never Wrestle with a Pig

Saturday, April 09, 2011

"... I can already relate to the title as I already identified a couple of "pigs" in my workplace."

This is a new book I bought today. The title, Never Wrestle with a Pig, is cool and I just only found out what it meant. Well, never fight with a pig because even if he won't win, he gets dirty, he is happy, but you would not. As they all say, we all have something new to learn everyday and I just had mine today. One might think where else would one apply such an idea? actually it's everyday life. This quote actually refers to certain type of people who never want to move on, refused to see the big picture and are just plain stubborn. This could be very hard-headed parents or strict headmaster. It's an addiction to them holding on to their thinking as they refuse to change. The truth is that they will extinct in no time, even if they don't they will increasingly become miserable.

Okay, so what is this book about? It's about your workplace. Have you ever come across people in the workplace who like to argue even on the slightest unimportant things? They just dragged you on and on, drained you down and down. So this is a book about how to behave so that every step is in the right direction to build your career or business

The tips from the book includes the following
* End your day on time
* People who say they can keep a secret usually can't
* It pays to overestimate your competition
* The best ideas cannot be stolen
* Know when to say "It's none of your business"
* Get paid for thinking rather than doing
* Time in front of the customer is the best time of all
* Be wary of unanimous agreement
* Not every budget deserves your respect
* Learn the art of picking up the check

Obviously it is up to the readers to interpret the message the author tries to convey in this book. I just had a chance to read two of the chapters. "Friends don't ask the impossible of their friends" and "Develop Genius for Friendship". These two chapters talk about friends in business/professional contact, what's the expectation and what's the consequences of outcome and how to deal with it. It also talks about how to build friendship, and what it means when "giving people favor".

I can already relate to the title as I already identified a couple of "pigs" in my workplace. WF told me dealing with those "pigs", one can only be as polite as possible, and hope that they get pass you as soon as possible.  Those "pigs" are not very active in research, but more in teaching and administration. They like argument in this sort of similar areas to prove and show their sheer importance and existence, but they are just not very value added. So I am sure this is the book that I will enjoy reading and finding it very useful. I will come back again in the future should there be interesting stuff to share. I can already see a chapter on "time management", a topic thousands talk about and with thousand ways to deal with. I am curious about the perspective of this author. Surely his style and his perceptions will make all the difference.

P/S: Oh I forget to tell you. This book costs me only £0.10, and which I got it from a Charity shop this afternoon, even cheaper than the £0.20 "happiness" book, all of good value and of course, good bargains. :D