Life Time Achievement

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"but, life goes on...."

I continue to network with people at the conference. The BAFA conference normally attracts academics in the UK and internationally in the area of accoutning and finance. You see familiar people all the times and  also some "new comers", who just entered the academia. What you also see is the increasingly obvious "three generations" among the academics. The conference normally award the "life time achievement" to established professors in their areas, recognising their contributions. Obviously, these academics mostly will retire soon and new blood will be injected. They are respectful in their own areas. I feel very humble comparing their achievements with mine. However, if you asked me if I would like to be granted with such an award one day,I won't say no, but I am also not really that bothered.

I was told MT was granted with such an award before in the past, but declined it. He is a very strong academic. He stick to what he believes in and not easily giving up. He also gave an excellent paper at this conference. It seems that there are some disagreements among the academics about each other work which is normal. This can sometimes affect the type of journal you get published. This is because people can reject your research simply because they can have a different "belief". This is not to say you are of "low qualty". MT might be a humble and modest man. I think, to some extent, it is also about self-esteem, i.e.,, the extent in which your recognised your own ability. This is because only if you recognise your own ability, will you let others to do so. Perhaps MT already passed that stage in his life about "getting recognised". But I guess we all can tolerate a bit of life imperfection and still live happily with it, as it really does not affect us. Knowledge acaquisiation is an process anyway. Achieving the life time achievement does not necessarily you stop working. You can still go on, supported by your passion in what you do. Life continues to feel "full of sunshine". :D