Do you know your "stress"hold?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Bang your head, not your eyes. Leave them working to help you see the BIG picture later."

I can "feel" stress. It is a feeling of heaviness, mind crowdedness and more importantly impatient. These are of course based on my past experiences. We all need an outburst when feeling stressed. I do integrate some forms of exercising as part of my everyday life. Expert say such walking help reduces stress level in a person. I walk about 40 minutes a day, but at the end of it, I still have to deal with stress. I cannot run away from it. Perhaps exercise help you see stress in another way and allow you to come to a different form of solution to the stressful problem.

I find that there is an element of "fear" in every stressful situation I came across. This is the fear of the outcome and what could possibly happen to me. I believe combating fear is a way to reduce stress, and to make yourselves move forward ahead. But what is the feeling of "combating fear". I believe this is the attitude you hold about the certain event that stresses you, thinking strongly that it will be fine for you. This brings out the positive side of you and make you feel hopeful.

Stress can also be about trying to take on "too much at one time". In that case, we have to learn to take things easy, some say easy said than done, but I think we need "practice" here to learn to get used to this skill. Stress may be about being impatient because you wanted and you force things to happen the way you want it, which obviously is not always the case.

Handling stressful situation feels like walking on "thin ice", and it does seems like a do or die decision. I always think of my downside in situation like this, I would say, so come to the worst, I would do this, do that. And then if the worst happen, would take it the way it happens and starts it all over again. Stress could be like your friend, because it helps you grow. Too close to stress might make you snap, never forget to take a step back and see the big picture, it helps, :D