A dream that costs £1

Monday, March 01, 2010

"If you can't remember your dream, make another one; life's long enough to have more than a dream, don't waste it!"

A former colleague told me he MUST spend £1 a week to buy a lottery ticket. It just shows how "dream"could drive people. However, I used to think buying lottery ticket is a "bad thing" because it is not a sign of "hard-working".

As I grow older and getting in contact with more and more shades of grey in my life, I began to re-think such values I had developed over the years, and now can accept people buy lottery and that it is not necessarily mean they are "not hard-working" or people wanted to get by using "short cut" (i.e., quick fortune and luck). I do appreciate now why it is more important to some people to buy lottery, perhaps it is a feeling of accomplishments in life that motivated them to pursue dream in other ways.

Today I read about a British couple who won £56 million lottery. As I read this I am increasingly convinced that I don't think I would ever win such large sum of money mainly because I am not a fan of lottery ticket as I don't have such desire. Don't get me wrong, if one day a bag of money come by my door, I still won't say No. But, I guess I also prefer a quiet way of life and to be honest, life at this stage is good enough not required any huge life changing sum of money. I have a sense of accomplishment and I am happy about it. I am enjoying the beautiful scenery at the moment and don't want it to go away too soon.