A "Horrendous" day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a tiring day. I had a couple of meetings, and had some heavy discussions over matters that increasingly become important. I believe the way the school allocate work, benefits me in the long term. I think I am trying to get a feel about the "bits" that I need to do, and then mentally organise them, which is not a problem.

The "interruptions" that made my day a bit "horrendous" was actually the "start" of my day not "going on well". I woke up a bit early today, then went to sleep and then woke up a little later than I expect. So I forget about routine of making my dinner preparations in the morning and other dish washing task, etc. In the evening, I left office a bit late due to the meeting I had, and then going to Tesco to get that "7-day fresh brown bread" and other stuff, which strangely no longer seem to sell now in most nearer supermarkets.

By the time I reached home, it is already 8.30 pm, did all my housekeeping, dish washing, and then make dinner, by the time I finished my dinner and all, about 11 pm. I am very tired. Not the healthiest of a lifestyle and I hear Mom said, don't you eat your dinner so late. Out of good intention and I appreciate that. I guess I am not wrong to say a good day depends on how well a day begins, but perhaps a little flexibility could make the remaining of the day better and the day could end up nicer, just a little thought for future consideration if need be. Need to sleep now, I am too tired, yawn!