The winners and losers in Jack Neo's (梁智强) affairs scandal

Friday, March 12, 2010

"I may cry, but I will be the winner in the end."

Celebrities, such as Jack Neo who is considered as one of Singapore's most important celebrities in the film-making industry, are actually just normal people. They think they are different from others due to their status and then end up badly with their behaviours.

The video below is the 3 minutes press conference Jack Neo held to apologise about the affair. It saddened me to hear Jack's wife telling the media that she really needs their blessings. There is fear and insecurity in her words and tones. When she later asked for forgiveness from the media, not sure whether she meant that the media should stop speculate about her husband as she is willing to forgive and forget. The press conference was being criticised as being insincere and short, but it was later revealed in Jack Neo's blog he regretted his behaviours and willing to re-cultivate a happy and good family for his wife and children.

Love is no longer love when you find someone turns into a stranger overnight as you no longer know the person you share the bed with all those years. How much "value" can you forced down to help you maintain the union? I am not sure. I am interested in how Mrs Neo react to this, because similar cases appear to happen in the UK and US recently. In the US, Tiger wood 's affairs broke out affected his career. In the UK, one of UK's famous footballer, Ashley Cole, was separated from wife, Cheryl Cole, after she found him cheated on her, with up to 5 women. Mrs Neo is an Asian, but the other cases are in the western world. She is under immerse pressure and can be understood.

In Singapore, those girls who reported to media about the affairs with Jack Neo were being blasted, such as this one. Obviously, these unknown girls wanted to be famous arising from the outburst of Jack Neo's affairs. They might think they are the winners, but some call them sluts. In the UK, due to the interest in gossips and curiosity about people private life, tabloid's papers are often interested to pay lump sum for untold secrets to make story juicier. So as much as matters like this might be linked with "sluts", it is kind of "acceptable" over here. The readers read it like a pastimes, and not take it too seriously, it's not their life anyway. I am afraid Jack Neo's exes are not winners as in Singapore, people have different perception.

As for Jack's wife Irene, many think she should divorce Jack Neo and that she is the victim. But in the long term, she is the winner, she might win her husband back and get what she wanted a good and happy family. You can also call her a loser, because the way she deal with this, one day, as it is quite possible, she might accept the "way" Jack Neo is (given that if Jack Neo repeat his bad behaviour), and either she will be hated by most women or admired by other women, especially the wife of Jackie Chan, who seems to be having a similar fate like her. Of course, Jack Neo is a winner, he has his wife by this side, make him "feel wanted", boost his damaged ego and though he says he is guilty, want to make change, etc. It's really for all to see how far he can go.

As for us, the readers, we are the winner, free flow news, one after another, in front of the media, more exciting than Jack Neo's own comedy's film, what else can we ask for. The truth is, though it's his life, he will have his kama, and while we enjoy the story and have a laugh, perhaps it is also time we look more inside us, think more of our life, which are also often not as perfect (never mind Jack Neo's), :D