Turnaround a restless day!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

"Stressed out, can't "rest", err, I feel the same, but heeheehee, I am not an egg :D"

How does it feel when you want to have a good rest and yet feel restless? I bet it must be the same feeling of feeling sleepy yet cannot get yourselves to sleep, frustrated! Well, it's the weekend and just exactly the way I felt. Not the sleep problem, but the restless problem. I begin to ask myself, am I expecting too much out of myself? what is it that I cannot let go? why am I still thinking of doing work, even on weekend? I started to think about what I did last weekend and what happen. That way, I am hoping it will get me somewhere knowing what went wrong last weekend and not let it repeat today. But, I also decided it's time for a little change. I think I had a thought about how to put my material together for my next Tuesday's lecture this morning, so this should be considered as something done and not being unproductive.

In the afternoon, I went for weekly shopping. But I make it different this time. I brought my backpack with me, thinking today I would buy more stuff than usual. I went first to bargain store and get myself some interesting chocolates, which I don't normally do. I took some times walk around town, found the weekend market stores about closing for business, then went to Aiken, didn't buy the veggie there, went to Somerfield, buy some good value/bargain rices and crisps, and met Kay, had a friendly chat with her and her daughter, then head to Tesco

At Tesco, I bought some reduced price strawberries (to be frozen for mixing in smoothie), sweet potatoes (to be used in my green/red beans soup), Greek Yoguart (to be used as a base for the smoothie) and milks. And I also bought strawberry cheesecake.

I went home after that, and decided that I am going to run a bath and I did, while getting my dinner ready. The bath was warm and nice and then after that I had my dinner and watch BBC's comic relief and I also watched Ant and Dec's push the button game show. I played some game on my PC too. So that was all I did today so far. Something certainly could be done a lot better if I dare "let go", i.e., put all work aside and just do anything unrelated to work and enjoy it, but small steps do count and I know I had some progress made today, :D

Expert said we should all have a time-out from technology at least once a week. "Try taking a full day off from technology. Turn off the TV, limit your email time, and turn your phone ringer to silent. Even a half-day off will cut down on stress and preserve your energy". I guess I need to get a time-out from work on the weekend. Something I have to learn to do slowly and see the meaning in doing so.


Regina Lim said...

At least it's not orange cheesecake this time! :D

winslor_tee said...

hehe hope you like the strawberry one, I also saw a toffee flavour one yesterday. I am not sure about that though, :D

niamh said...

It's so true especially about turning off the computer and TV. It really helps to just get outside or even talk to people for a while and work-stress often just disappears then.

winslor_tee said...

Thank you niamh for leaving a note. Honestly, turning off TV, computer is beyond imagination for me, it is like a luxury, often taking a walk off the computer screen seems about right, breathe some fresh air, etc, just like I just did and now back to work, :D