The Coolest Summer Breeze

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I was pleased the other day for completed 100 posts, YAY! I took a break to slightly reflect and "celebrate" hehe. I found that now, I decided to follow my heart. If my heart say, yes I am still keen with writing the blog, I will go on, if not, I will just stop and reinvent myself somewhere in the cyberway with another identity and finding my new mates again.

Well, today is the hottest day of the year in the UK. It was 27 degrees mostly throughout the day, and at this moment 19 degree. I didn't work too much, only in the morning where I tried some literature search/reviews on certain new areas. Not bad, I had some nice "findings". I went swimming in the afternoon, which was really really nice. The water was so cool, except that I wish the pool could be outdoor. Then in the late afternoon, I was mostly cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom in preparation for the home visit by the agency next Tuesday.

I felt so relaxed after that, finishing the cleaning, doing my laundry, and then watched "Britain Got Talent". Surprisingly, "An Audience with Michael Buble" was up next and I stayed on to watch. I always think Michael Buble is a very talented artist. He sang so gently and charmingly and his performance never disappoint. His sense of humor often impressed me and his effortless style make him forever so unforgettable. He did come across as the coolest summer breeze. I like to finish this blog with one of my favourite tune of his, "You don't know me" originally sang by Ray Charles. Enjoy! :D