relaxation, enjoyment and productivity

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"...Just like training your muscle, it is not always advisable to work on the same part of your muscle, because it may "get tired" and stop "reacting" so you end up not getting the desired effects..."

I have been asking myself this question past few days, i.e., what relaxes me? It's not secret that 2/3 of my life now at the moment is spent in front of a computer. I was thinking along the line of having to work with computer for long hours each day, so what are the things that I do on the computer that relaxes me? Besides, where do I work (on my computer) that relaxes me most? is it at home or in the office?

I find myself the most "happy" when I am typing things that I can give an opinion or "telling a story" of some sorts. Therefore, you can imgaine typing lecture notes could be quite a boring task. And of course, productivity can also be affected when switching from one task to another, simply because you need to get adapted to the different forms of tasks undertaken.

I was doing quite long hours on the paper with JR today. Now, I can say the first draft is 80% completed. It's hard work, but I pay attention and find all of them worth the while, because I was "investigating" the issues involved in the research. I am surely not relaxing, because I was concentrating. But I had enjoyed it as I did find "light" at the end. I did find, however, that if I can feel relax beginning of the task and keep it going, I could enjoy more. Perhaps when some concentration and focuses are needed in the process, relaxation could not happen, even if it does it should come in later, like during a break.

As I thought back, I think I might have "relaxed" too much. I should say, I was near to being procrastinated. Perhaps this paper with JR has past the difficult stage of sourcing for literature reviews and one task down for now, which is good. I must not forget there are other tasks need doing, and tomorrow should see me doing them. Just like training your muscle, it is not always advisable to work on the same part of your muscle, because it may "get tired" and stop "reacting" so you end up not getting the desired effects. The same theory applies here, have a change with a different type of work and then when you come back to do the JR's paper, new ideas and inspirations could emerge. And let's hope new ideas emerged for my other tasks that are to be accompolished tomorrow. :D