You decide what is best for YOU!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"... if it affects me, it affects you MORE!"

So I told them off today, yes I did. "I know you all getting nervous, exam drawing near and you are all attending the lecture, but you are too noisy. This affects me, but you know what? it affects you MORE! I cannot tell you a lot more than I wanted to, and I am not here to get angry, I am here to teach and give a lecture. So, if I got affected, then there is only so much you would get from me. You got to help me to help, if it affects me, it affects you MORE! so it up to you, you decide what is best for you to do."

At that instance, everyone remains silent, and even the late comer to the lecture sense something wrong and seemingly apologise. I thought it costs me so little just to get the simple message across. I am an old hand after all, but they are just 18 19 yo kids. D said just have to deal with them the kids' way, but they need to grow up.

I like the lecture today because I had used some real life cases like the Greek's bonds downgrade and effects on the financial markets as example. I learnt that as lecturers we must at least convince ourselves what we are teaching, and then we can deliver it well. I had enjoyed today's session, despite my "speech" and I later began to feel a little sorry to some of the students, because I truly believed some among them are hard workers, they probably understand where I come from.

Before the end of the lecture, noise gets a bit much, but I just can't be bothered. Next week will be my last lecture, I just felt so relaxed. Well, next week they are going to give me their evaluations, it will be interesting to see how they viewed me, but I got a lot to think about for next year, now that I know what to expect from these students.


Karen said...

haha.. I love that! I can imagine the stunned look on their faces.

Kai said...

Thank you, Karen. My colleagues told me we have got to be as unpredictable as we can. But I agree with the other colleague that this is sometimes a bit of a game, hehe! :D