YS also passed on to me a PhD application, asking me to have a read and made some comments. This reminded me I have 3 other similar applications as yet to reply to WS. Thinking of how frequently we received PhD applications, honestly it freaked me out, there were SO MANY of them. And our staff strengths can only take so much, so it is important we don't become too overloaded. still, it means we have got choices and can go for the REALLY good candidate.
I guessed I also accepted now PhD supervision is one of our tasks over here, and dealing with applications, which randomly come in either in huge or small numbers is something we have to efficiently deal with and more importantly, we made the right decisions. This also brought me to the an application that we received few weeks ago in which I told BB about it and he was interested. I was asked to contact the candidate for further details, but then now I realised there are likely to have better ones coming along, so we don't have to spend too much time "qualify" them. What I did today, before I finished for my day in the office was to write quick comments on the 3 PhD applications I have on hand and then should pass to WS for him to take necessary actions. And that is one task ticked off my list! Getting there, :D
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