So what is "settling down"?! Some claimed this to be marriage, family, children, etc. If you however take this to be a "personal affair". It is like the sort of "equilibrium" you want to attain, never mind whether you are married or not. To me, "settled down" seem to mean having all loose ends tightened up eventually when you moved into a new place. So, getting your bills sorted, telephone line transferred to new place, getting bank details updated are some examples.
You then asked, so what's next? well, if you want to "get a life", like me, you may start to form some sort of "routine" to follow and then stick to it. Perhaps you are trying to position some sort of "equilibrium" in you to feel "settled". So, does that feel like a minimalist experience? or even cooking or making dinner can also become a therapy. Perhaps these are just a mean to an end, for finding an equilibrium in you, that "feel" the same consistently despite whatever happens around you. I think I am still finding that, however, have you found yours? :D
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