Obviously, between then and now, new tasks occurred and I would have to attend to it, like I just received an email from WS to ask me fix a date for presenting my research next term, this means I need time set aside for the preparation. But, I have LOADS of time! Yes, loads of time and by saying so, I am not encouraging myself to become procrastinated, rather to reduce my anxiety as I always think I "running out" of time and then not having "enough time". Though time management works on the basis of one thinking "not having enough" time, overly anxious of "running out of time", however, can be counter productive and does not work for me.
I bought back home today previously unfinished task including teaching and research related ones to work through over the weekend. How does that feel? well, I don't want this to turn out as another "shock" since it will be entirely "new" type of task compared to the exam paper preparation. They are the things in my head for a while and I have been thinking and discussing with colleagues about it, so I am more prepared to start doing them. This will help ensure better productivity when I started to do them as "new" task. My previous few nights have been quite relaxed, able to separate from "work" time with "leisure" time, which are all important to maintain work life balance as well as maintaining focus on work.
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