The truth about Relaxation

Sunday, April 04, 2010

"Everything has to be "complete", that includes relaxation......"

There is something new to learn everyday, that way, you never get tired living another day as you look forward to experience another new interesting event. I learned something that many knew already today. I learned about "relaxation". Let me share with you.

1) "Relaxation" is planned - I would not go London to see friends at very short notice for the sake of relaxing, that is too much of a shock, both for me and my friend.

2) "Relaxation" is doing different things at the usual time schedule - I was normally preparing lecture slides on the Sunday evening. We have no lecture next week, so thinking of this, we are not pressing for time, we can engage in different activities for relaxing on the Sunday evening.

3) "Relaxation" is about being focused - relaxation should not end up making one feel bored and that time has wasted "doing nothing" or "nothing much". Following from 1) above, if planned properly, it is not hard to find things to do when relaxing, it might be as easy as reading a book, going for a shop, getting out and about, etc.

4) "Relaxation" is another "learning" experience - whatever you do when you relax, it should make you feel you are gaining something from it, learning something from it, that way the whole relaxation experience should be considered complete and should get you ready to the next task and I am now ready for work tomorrow, to execute the lists drawn up shown in yesterday's post. :D