Good luck, kids!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"... But I don't think I want to see you again..."

Finally, I came to the end of the road with those noisy kids. Today had my last revision lecture with them. Still as noisy, but I only use my laser pointer and hit hard on the table until I get some attention and I carry on. I had today 17 double-sided pages of notes, even have to ask someone from facilities to help me carry over to the lecture theatre.

I gave out all today, a big summary of my 10 weeks of lecture notes, selected exam questions discussion and even provide them exam strategies, tell them technique now to build confidence during exam condition, etc.

After class, I received email from one student about references of one of my lecture. He got the week number of the week wrong so I sent a reply to remind him about it and to be careful about lecture informaion and where it points towards the reference information.

Yesterday, I received an email from one other student who said I made a mistake on one of my slide, I emailed her to tell her the correction were discussed in a subsequent lecture and that if she followed up the lecture, she would have known. She replied to say she attended all lecture, and just going through the notes, and she thought my reply "not appropriate". I replied to her and tell her i meant follow up lecture NOTES regularly! Ah well, should not encourage them to send email if they are in doubt about their revisions. They probably would just ask anything and I think I might just receive thousand of them at one go, probably best meet them face-to-face, sort out problem one and for all, good for both the students and I.

Good luck, kids, that is all I would say for your exam, and even more good luck to you as you go for your placement next year. May you all learn the good lessons out there even it might be going to learning it the HARD way for some, so good good good luck! I don't think I want to see you again, but I should see you around :D


ziman said...

OMG lol! I love this post! You just showed the teacher in you! xD

Kai said...

oh! it just showed the student in YOU!! fair, huh? hehe :D