Research Agenda

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's the weekend and it just felt time flies so fast. I was packing things to the bag in the office when I was about to go home and I realised this. I was trying to bring home few papers to read and JR's dissertations to help me draft the research paper. This week has got some huge dramas. We have Mr Smoothie, LF's indebtedness, two revision lectures, the health checks and a couple of book reviews jobs.

I am just trying to think what's instored next week. Well, I already have a couple of students' meeting lined up and a research presentation to give to our group about the Singapore Housing Market. I am also likely to have students come knocking on my door to ask about exams.

As for research, what's the happening? Well, the followings are on the agenda this weekend and beyond. In fact, it relaxes my mind a bit sometimes when I am "doing research". I am still trying
to figure the exact explanation of this strange reaction.

1) JR research - I think after finishing the first two paragraphs, it felt like I am getting into the main theme of the topic, so the going should get smoother, as I gathered more material together

2) Potential MT's collaboration - I had not told MT yet. Though MT can be quite over-reacting to student's noises and at times made me nervous the way he explained the "bad" situation, I actually think he is quite a good communicator, coming to research. We had a brief 5 minutes chat the other day, all because he asked me whether I had read his paper he showed me, and then he start talking about the "probability distribution" in his context and how the "Eigenvalues" play a role. Immediately, I sense some research that can use his idea.

3) Modelling discontinuous series - I want to explore to see how this can be possible using a different non-linear time series techniques.

4) Risk issues in portfolios allocation - this is an extended areas from my published paper, but now using different type of data like other investment funds and see if similar conclusion can be drawn.

The above, apart from 1) are the more recent inspirations, which I hope are here to stay, and able to improvise upon. I am hoping that, after next Wednesday I could have more time doing research, as I should have finished all my lecture by next Tuesday and that from Wednesday, after 2 pm, my research presentation would also have finished. In between that time and the first week of June, I have two weeks of free time for research work. Let's hope the ideas are well supported and good research can be produced from them, :D


Anonymous said...

WoW! makes me feel like an ant amongst elephants,I try to understand but ,but...The great but I just feel stoopid my brain can't compute LOL Im going into meltdown LOL...for example what this supposed to mean other than a pretty picture in script.....Formally, if A is a linear transformation, a non-null vector x is an eigenvector of A if there is a scalar λ such that

The scalar λ is said to be an eigenvalue of A corresponding to the eigenvector x.
.Totally lost ..HaHa least I can do the mirror crossword in 7mins(my top time).(told you I was stoopid).LOL nice blog Kai.